Lovely, Sue! You probably know this already, but there was a study done a while back that showed that performing an act of kindness boosts your immune system. But even better: just WITNESSING such an act, as a bystander, ALSO boosts your immune system. Kinda great... 😊

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Thank you, Mary! I did come across this and gave it a brief mention but didn't realise it's the same for witnessing kindness. What a wonderful thing and a great incentive for us to show kindness at every opportunity. It is kinda great and 'kindness is the new cool' simply made my day! 💛🤗🌟

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Kindness can move mountains. Kindness to self, to other humans and to the many non-human animals and other species sharing our Earth. Being kind has so many benefits. Thank you for pointing them out. I love the photo of the robin; he has a particularly kind face.

I do make it a point to say good morning to the birds and the squirrels I feed early morning. I love to acknowledge their presence, a presence that gives me much joy.

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Thank you, Perry. I so agree, kindness can change the world and being kind to animals and birds is a beautiful way to express our love and appreciation. I am the same with the plants in my tiny garden - and my beloved Roses - one for each of my family members now passed. So lovely to hear your story and the kindness you show to Nature which is beautiful. Have a wonderful day!

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Beautiful, thoughts Sue! Thank you. It feels good, it really does. Kindness has gotten a bad rap lately..

That Rose is stunning, and the photo of the bird - is that a real bird or a little bird statue? I can't tell. :) 🩷

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Thank you, Barbara, I love that kindness is the new cool - that made my day and it does feel good, the tide is turning! I am so thrilled with my Roses which are coming into their second Summer season having planted them in pots when I moved here about 18 months ago. The white bird is real, a rather handsome Seagull. He came to watch me eating my lunch one day in Exeter and was very polite, he didn't make a grab for it as some of these beautiful birds do at the seaside. The tourists get cross but it's not the fault of the bird, we take over their territory and wonder why they take advantage of the free food left everywhere. I love that this article resonates with you. Sending my love and wishing you the most beautiful day!

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I must be missing something! I only see a sweet little orange and brown bird... XO

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So sorry Barbara, the little bird is a Robin. Said to bring messages from loved ones who have passed. He stayed with me for ages until I felt better, it was so beautiful.

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I love Robins! Beautiful animal spirit. 🧡

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Me too! Robbins are so friendly, it melts my heart. 💛🤗☀️

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May 24Liked by Sue Cartwright

Beautiful article, Sue. Kindness matters, always. Gorgeous rose! 💙🙏💫

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Thank you so much, Joyce. Kindness is beautiful and can change the world. I love that you love my Rose, delightfully budding again, I can't wait to see those blooms! 💛🤗🌟

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May 24Liked by Sue Cartwright

By that time I’d love another picture, Sue 💙

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Oh, I am soooo glad you said that, Joyce. I love sharing my Rose pictures. I have Gertrude in bloom (for my Nan) recently posted and my Lovely Lady just starting to bud for my darling Mum, her favourite which Dad grew for her. It's a lovely way to remember my family. I care for them and talk to them every single day. ❤️🌹❤️

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May 24Liked by Sue Cartwright

And I love seeing pictures of roses, Sue. Such gentle beauty in them 💙

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My heart, Joyce, and me too! 💛🤗☀️

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" I like to think that my call to them will be the one that makes their day and makes them feel their work is worthwhile."

Ha!! This is my MO also, Sue! I always listen for their name so I can address them by it when asking them how they are, at the very beginning of the call. I like to humanize the experience for us both. :)

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Perfect, Jacqualine, that's amazing! They must receive so much flack during the day, my heart goes out to them. Thank you for reading and sending my love. Xx

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