Citrus Metal Detox Remedy
A deep daily cleanse that removes toxic metals, assists with digestion and supports the liver
Hi, I’m Sue and I write about the beauty and ingenuity of Nature, and how we can deepen our connection for our optimum health and wellbeing. Discover more Nature-inspired content on Spiral Leaf, Twitter and my video Nature Channel.
What’s the problem?
Most of us would agree that the quality of our natural environment is not what it should be. As living organisms, we require optimal conditions to grow and thrive which means we should be enjoying pure fresh air, clean water and food grown in rich organic soil free from harmful chemicals.
Instead our bodies are subjected to harmful elements every minute of the day and our bodies become adept at shoring up excess toxic particles, parasites and waste that it can’t dispose of.
Our beautiful bodies become over-worked sponges trying to remove or store the remnants of processed foods, dairy products, additives, fillers, coolouring, flavourings, chemical products and by-products. Then there are petroleum-based pharmaceuticals, vaccines, alchohol, stress and trauma. All of these things prevent our body from doing its most important work which is to keep us in optimum health.
Hidden dangers
Many of these external forces and toxic trace elements are considered to be causal although we are told they are so tiny they cannot do any harm. The problem is that we consume so many, our bodies can’t keep up and has to store the excess in fat cells in our blood and around our organns.
This clogs things up, and over time, silently builds up inside us to cause problems later on. Something has to give and at some point we need to start doing something about it.
Processed foods and products are sold to us as convenient or as treats when they are nothing of the kind. Our bodies are natural ecosystems and as soon as we introduce anything artificial, our repair system (or immune system) is activated to deal with it. IIn this day and age, it means our bodies are on contant cleaning duty and our organs are less able to do the work they are designed to do.
This is what makes us feel sluggish as if our very vital force is being drained out of us. It is why we need to do whatever is necessary to help our body cleanse itself and become transformed into a heathy alkaline body that is able to capture, expel, oxygenate and filter unwanted invadors quickly and efficiently.
It’s why having a cold or a runny nose is a good sign, it’s your body flushing out things that are not wanted and are not supposed to be inside you.
Why this remedy?
My Citrus Metal Detox Remedy is entirely natual and is based on a recipe from research I carried out at the start of the lockdown to protect my health.
I am greatly obliged to the man who shared his recipe on a homemade video explaining why the main ingredients in my Citrus Metal Detox Cleanse were necessary. I learned how to make a powerful remedy to sip every morning to clear out unwanted toxins and any other nasties that might have been floating around at that time.
The man was making the remedy for his mother who was working at a local hospital. She kept coming home with rashes having worked with hospital patients all day. Drinking down a shot of this remedy every morning removed whatever was causing the rashes, greatly boosted her immunity and kept her safe.
It is a recipe I make for myself and have made for some of my friends who were brave enough to take the bitter taste first thing and slightly re-arrange their morning schedule.
What are the perameters?
If you have any existing conditions or are taking pharmaceutical medications always seek medical advice. Finding a natural healer or doctor who advocates natural healing is always a good idea. Our bodies are capable of healing themselves when we identify what the causes might be and learn how to give ourselves the right support, protocols and nourishment.
I am not a medical expert in any way and we are all different. I share information based on my own research, existing knowledge and what worked for me so use your discernment to make sure any natural remedies make sense and are right for you.
Who and when is this for?
This remedy contains the natural ingredients I felt my body needed in the form of extra vitamins, protein, zinc and other active ingredients recommended to remove certain trace metals and other invadors during the lockdown period.
My friend who had several injections took the remedy every morning for a three month period together with a daily Ivermectin tablet which brought him back to full health.
I completed a 90 day course and this remedy completely removed an old Herpes virus I had in my nose which used to show up when I was stressed. It also removed my hayfeaver although that is also due to the Propolis in my daily Cleansing Lemon and Ginger Tea.
With this and my 3:6:9 Cleanse with Medical Medium, my system was fully cleared and my energy levels, vitality, sense of clarity, focus and general wellbeing significantly increased.
The following recipe with nutritional information is for anyone in need of a thorough cleanse, an essential vitamin boost or a method for removing metals and other toxins.
Basic Equipment
1 x exra large Saucepan or Cooking Pot
1 x Potato Masher (to mash tinned beans)
I x large Sharp Knife (to chop ingredients and frozen fruit as it defrosts before boiling)
1 x large Vegetable Colendar (for first pass strain to collect concentrate)
1 x fine Seive (for second pass strain for a clear juice
4 x 250gm glass bottles jars or 1 x large jar (to hold all the juice)
Organic Ingredients (as much as possible)
1 tin x whole beans (any variety)
3 tbs x Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid (powder)
2 x whole Lemons - roughly chopped
2 x whole frozen Lemons - roughly chopped (once thawed or cooked slightly)
2 x whole frozen Grapefuit peel (just the peel) - already chopped to freeze
5 tbs x Dried Star Anise
3 tbs x Dried Fennel Seeds
4 springs (tips) x Pine Needles (Christmas Tree)
3" x fresh Ginger - chopped
5 lts of filtered water (or enough to fill the pan)
Essential By-Products & Additional Extras
The reasoning behind using frozen Lemons and Grapefriut, and beans blended into ascorbic acid have been explained above.
By-products created during preparation and on injestion are Zinc and Quinine. I added the dried products and Ginger as I was infusing these in my Cleansing Lemon and Giner Tea for morining cleansing purposes. The strengtrh of the ingredients is significantly increased when simmered in water for several hours as opposed to steeping the ingredients for tea.
Step One - Preparing and mashing
1) Strain the beans out of the can (or bowl of water if you were soaking them).
2) Add to a large shallow bowl or dish and mash thoroughly.
3) Add the Ascorbic Acid and mash throughly into a creamy paste. Mixing the protein of the beans with the dried citric powder creates Zinc needed to fortify the immune system to fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Zinc also helps the body to make DNA (the genetic material in cells) and proteins needed to clear the body and fight off infection.
4) Add your Zinc rich protein paste to the saucepan..
StepTwo - Cooking and straining
1) Add all the ingredients to the with the chopped Pine Needles from which Shikimic Acid which is a cyclohexene, cyclitol and cyclohexanecarboxylic acid which acts as an important biochemical intermediate in plants and microorganisms.
2) Fill the pan with filtered water and fill the saucepan or pot, covering all the ingredients.
3) Bring slowly to a rolling simmer, reduce to the lowest heat and place a lid on the saucepan or pot.
4) Keep the lid on to retain all the nutrient-rich steam and simmer gently for 4 hours.
4) Top up after 2 hours with filtered water.
5) Keep the lid on at the end of the cooking time until cool to preserve the Quinine which is needed to modulate the release of a number of gut and gluco-regulatory hormones and upper gut functions along with working together with other important trace nutrients.
6) Strain into another large saucepan or large bowl, repeat if necessary to remove all the bits.
Step Three - Sterilising & Storing
1) Heat your oven to no hotter than 140°C / 275°F / Gas Mark 1.
2) Clean 4 x 250gm glass bottles jars thoroughly in soapy water, rinse well and place in the oven on a tray on a shelf.
2) Thoroughly wash or jars in soapy water and rinse well.
3) Place on baking paper on a baking tray and heat for 20 minutes.
4) While the jars are in the oven, place the lids in a saucepan of water, and boil for twenty minutes.
5) Thoroughly clean your funnel if using one to fill the glass bottles.
6) Fill the bottles or jars leaving the lids off until the liquid is cool.
7) Put the lids on and label with: name, ingredients (optional), date made and dosage (see below).
8) Store in the fridge.
Daily dose
1) Always shake before use.
2) Heat up and drink 8 fl oz or 237 ml daily - preferably in the morning before eating any food.
3) It is bitter to taste so you can add honey although it won't make that much difference.
4) Down in one!
What to expect
This remedy is full of nutrients with active ingredients that will gently and gradually seek out and remove any pathogens, paracites, worms, toxins and trace metals that might be stored unknown in your body. Whilst the remedy extracts anything that shouldn't be there, the body then needs to repel the toxins.
Be prepared for this by expecting a good flush out every morning, if not several times to begin with.
Try and cut out as much processed food as possible and eat more organic vegetables, especially greens and bulk vegetables such a potato, sweet potato, courgettes, broccolli, cauliflower and so on to carry the toxins out of your body . This helps your body to get rid of unwanted harms and keep things moving.
A note on Grapefruit
It is stated that Grapefruit and Grapefruit Juice can interfere with prescription and over-the-counter medications. I am not sure if this is the case but you can leave out the Grapefruit and Grapefruit rind if you are in any doubt and replace with a couple more lemons.
A 90 day protocol with (or without) guidance
It’s best to try this remedy for a few days first. It will clear you out first thing so you will need to adjust your morning routine to accommodate it.
One large bottle (250gm) will last about a month by taking a small amount every morning.
If you want to understand about detoxing safely and how to transition to a healthy organic diet, I highly recommend Anthony William’s Cleanse to Heal (see links to all his books below).
To complete the 3:6:9 Cleanse you need to read about it so that you understand all the various aspects to it and then prepare well.
This will ensure you clean your body deeply as possible into your cells where old trace elements, inherited pathogens and the finer trace elements of heavy metals and toxins have become more deeply lodged over time.
Failing that, my Citrus Metal Detox Cleanse will provide a great boost and perhaps the perfect start for your going organic journey.
I hope you enjoy my first recipe, to your good health and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Futher Reading
Cleansing Lemon & Ginger Herbal Tea by Sue Cartwright
Going Organic is A Journey by Sue Cartwright
Cleanse to Heal by Anthony Williams, Medical Medium
I'm intrigued by this recipe. I am not keen on ingesting ascorbic acid. Do you have a source for the claim that mashed beans and ascorbic acid produces zinc? And is there any other reason to include ascorbic acid? I'm inclined to leave it out, and make the brew with the rest, but if it's really a benefit, I'd consider including it.
And I recently learned hydroxychloroquine mimics the natural quercetin found in citrus peels, especially grapefruit. Quercetin and quinine are both natural compounds found in certain foods and plants, but they have different chemical structures and functions. Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant commonly found in fruits, vegetables, and grains, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Quinine, on the other hand, is an alkaloid primarily derived from the bark of the cinchona tree and is used as a medication to treat malaria and as a flavoring agent, notably in tonic water. While both have potential health benefits, they serve different purposes and have distinct mechanisms of action in the body…& both can be considered “natural plant medicines” ;)